November 26 – Experiments with my chili


My Chili, Whizzed

I make a large batch of chili once a year, then vacuum bag and freeze it. Today I broke up one of the bags of frozen chunks and threw some of them into a blender with some chicken stock.

The result is! Not bad at all! In an act of major defiance, I ate with a spoon instead of a hose. The delicate composition of flavors that I try to achieve in my chili was gone – it was all blurred to a uniform sameness by the mighty power of my blender. Gone was the hint of burned meat, the great big  chunky beans, the cloves and other spices. There’s probably a metaphor in there but I’ll just leave it for now.

Yesterday, I attempted to make egg drop soup. Or, rather, I succeeded, but the soup was too hard to eat. I started sucking it through the hose and the little bits of egg quickly built an impenetrable barrier along my teeth. I couldn’t get anything else in, until I finally went downstairs, sucked up a bit of tea, put my head down in the sink, and blew. Uck.

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